Born in 1961, in Warsaw. Painter, doctor of art (D.A,) and graduate of the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Painting in the studio of prof. Jacek Sienicki. Lecturer of Painting and Drawing at the Higher School of Ecology and Management at the Faculty of Architecture.
In private, husband of Ewa and father of Natalia and good friend of beloved dogs: Jamek and Joga.
If I were to summarize my artistic credo in one slogan, it would be:
"Look at the world with your own eyes. I am close to the art that does not succumb to fashion and uniformity. I am close to those artists who, despite the powerful influence of the market and global culture, maintain their personal view of the world."
I like to look at paintings and the creative process - both mine and other artists - as a whole, to notice the complexity of the paths and consequences resulting from the choices made. Each subsequent step results from the previous one and only the observation of a longer sequence gives an insight into what this march was like and where it led.
My artistic path includes works created in various techniques - oil paints, gouache, watercolour, pastels, ink and charcoal drawings, ink graphics and collages. Each technique allows me to capture and emphasize something different – add softness, enhance clarity, lightness. Or, on the contrary, convey its weight and through the form itself express the effort and patience that the painting process requires. Thanks to the variability of my work, my imagination and form of expression are much richer and I can fully share my vision of the world.
After painting a series of massive paintings, in which thick oil paint dominates, the texture intensifies, and the physical canvas gains weight – the need to change the way of working arises in me. In the next cycle I look for effects of lightness, transparency, I smoothly spread oil paints or reach for watercolours. Other times I reject the colour completely – then black and white drawings are made with ink or charcoal.
In order to emphasise the mutual relations and interactions of individual paintings, I very often group them into thematic cycles.The most common and generally favorite heroes of my works are animals.Animals at rest, in motion, in sleep, in a rush. Individual portraits and animals in herds, groups, pairs. In this way I pay tribute to them and express my admiration for the world of nature.When portraying animals, I try to find a middle way between realism and abstraction, so that their shape is recognisable, but at the same time remains in the sphere of free painterly interpretation.
An important element of my artistic intention is the desire to give models an individual character and a -psychologically understood personality. I am less interested in zoological knowledge, more in their inner world, emotions, what they want to convey to us with their presence, what they want to share with us.
Another theme of my works are everyday objects, ordinary things related to people and their lives. A cup, a bottle, bread, a book, a fruit - those are classic sets of objects placed in still life. In my paintings they often appear alone, waiting for exclusive attention. Painting objects is a kind of meditation for me - I immerse myself in silence and carefully try to recreate the shapes I see. However, I always choose to do it in a simpler way than the eye suggests, giving the viewer space for their imagination.
Very important cycle in my work is the charcoal portraits of the elderly people. I made it to tell about the simplicity and hardships of life, its unique individuality. As unique as each human face and the history written on it.
I greatly value contact with viewers who, in conversations about art, express their personal attitude to it, despite the common judgments and popular opinions. For me, above all art is an intimate meeting of two sensibilities - the artist who creates and the individual who receives it through his/her own experience and sensitivity.
As an artist who has been painting for 45 years, I have organized many individual exhibitions and participated in numerous group shows. The list of exhibitions is available below:
Ewa Hage
Ewa Hage represents Piotr Pańkowski in the scope of spreading knowledge about the Artist's achievements and philosophy. She coordinates and co-organizes events (including vernissages, finissages, meetings with the Artist) and manages the sale of Pańkowski's paintings.
She develops the content and plan of activities presented in the Artist's social media, i.e.
Facebook: Piotr Pańkowski - Malarstwo
Instagram: pankowski_malarstwo
If you wish to organize an author's meeting, exhibition or see Piotr Pańkowski's works in person, please contact us:
Mobile: +48 609 608 646