"On behalf of all the people and animals presented here, their faces, snouts, mouths - shown en face or in profile, glancing furtively, looking into the distance or with closed eyes, as well as on behalf of the painted everyday objects - some smaller, others larger, furniture, jars, glasses or bowls - I greet you and invite you to my world.
(illustration: "Self-portrait", Piotr Pańkowski)
As a painter, I try to answer important questions with my brush.
That is why painting, to which I have devoted 45 years of my life, is a manifestation of what I value in life, what I believe in, what I choose every day. I have always made every effort to ensure that my art is sincere, solidly developed, consistent with the beliefs I profess.
I remember watching a documentary including a conversation between Jan Lebenstein and Zdzisław Herling-Grudziński about art. Both firmly stated that art is, above all, "creation".
And although the concept of creation is undoubtedly very important, the key to my understanding of painting is "contemplation".
The most common heroes of my paintings - Animals - were born from the spirit of contemplation. Nothing needs to be invented, fascinating forms are already created, all you need to do is look.
Welcome to my world.